Alberto Perez

Areas of Interest/Research

Protein folding, protein – (peptide, DNA, protein) interactions
Molecular Recognition
Integrative Structural Biology
Enhanced Sampling strategies

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  • CHM6470: Chemical Bond and Spectra (fall 2018-2020)
  • CHM3400: Physical chemistry for Biosciences (spring 2020-2022)
  • CURE: Course-based Undergraduate Research Experience (spring 2021)
  • CHM6590: Computational Chemistry (fall 2021)
  • CHM6580: Special topics: Statistical Mechanics applied to Molecular Simulations (2023)

Contact Information

Office Hours: Open door policy and by email appointment

Office: Leigh Hall 240F
Phone: (352) 3927009

Mailing address:
Leigh Hall 240F,
University of Florida
P.O. Box 117200
Gainesville Florida 32611